Meeting with South African students on their way to France and beneficiaries of the France-South Africa scholarship program.

Each year, the French government, in partnership with Campus France, sets up a scholarship program for South African students wishing to continue their studies in France. The program, which is also open to students from Lesotho and Malawi, covers all fields of study and aims to promote the excellence of French higher education.

For 2024, 40 South African students have been selected to benefit from these scholarships and fly to France. At a luncheon organized by the Campus France South Africa network, Consul General Sophie Bel and Paul Cavalier, Attaché de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle, had the opportunity to meet four of these students: two departing students and two alumni.


From left to right: Matthew Whall, Melissa Davids, Sophie Bel general consul , Michiel Kuhn, Evan court, Christine Nutter, French teacher and Paul cavalier, Cooperation and Cultural Program Attaché.

Alumni Evan Court, who completed a master’s degree in Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering in Paris, and Melissa Davids, who completed a master’s degree in Public Health Data Science in Bordeaux, were able to share their experiences and give invaluable advice to the two new laureates ready to embark on their own academic adventure. They were also able to highlight the advantage of having an international degree on their CVs, helping them to access job interviews and, consequently, their job search once back in South Africa. In fact, both are now employed full-time in the sector in which they studied.

Evan Court and Melissa David, alumni.

Michiel Kuhn and Matthew Whall, scholarship students on their way to France.

Michiel Kuhn, who will undertake a three-year Master’s degree in Commerce and Finance at EDHEC in Nice, and Matthew Whall, who will pursue a one-year Master’s degree in Intelligent Data Science at ENSAI in Rennes, have benefited from personalized support from Campus France. This support, from registration for the entrance exams through to their arrival in France, covers also various aspects including settling in and administrative formalities, ensuring a smooth and efficient transition into their new academic environment.

This meeting also served to strengthen links between the different generations of students, underlining the importance of the networks and connections created through this program.

This initiative is part of a dynamic of academic and cultural cooperation, strengthening ties between France and the countries of southern Africa, and opening up new prospects for talented students from the African continent.

For more information on higher education institutions and study programs in France, as well as specific details on the France-South Africa scholarship program, visit theCampus France South Africa website.

We wish Michiel and Matthew, and all the South African scholarship students who will be heading to France in September, an excellent trip and a wonderful discovery of the French way of life.

publié le 20/06/2024

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