Authentication of documents and consular notarial services

Authentication of documents

Present yourself in person at the Consulate along with a proof of identity and sign the document in the presence of the consular authority. If you are already registered with the Consulate, you will be liable for the payment of a fee corresponding to the rand exchange value of 15 € per signature. If you are not registered or if you are not a French national, this amount will increase to the rand exchange value of 25 €.

Click here for more information.

Consular notarial services

The Consulate General of France in Cape Town will not be able to provide the consular notarial services after the 1st January 2018

For any authentification or notarial service you would need, we would invite you to contact a public notary in South Africa or in France. To do so, please find below the link to the index of the notarial services in France :

The Consulate General is still competent for the legalization of signatures for some specific documentation , for instance, some procurations.
For more information, click here

publié le 18/11/2021

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